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Sunday, 27 August 2017

Wandering Where the WIFI Is Weak

It's surreal that the mountains are just a step outside my back door, and still I don't head out there as often as I should. Growing up I don't think I took as much advantage of this incredible beauty as I should have. It wasn't until I left Canada and started University that I really realized just how lucky I was to have lived at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Now, I want to spend every day exploring the trails and discovering gems like Lake Rawson. 

To say it was the perfect day would be a gross understatement. The trail was secluded, and the views were so picturesque it was difficult to believe they were real! 

hike itself was no walk in the park. It really was more difficult then I had expected. Nonetheless it was worth every step! 

We started by walking past Upper Kananaskis Lake until we reached Lake Rawson (a beautiful emerald lake surrounded by mountains). From Lake Rawson we trekked up to Sarrail Ridge. 

Upon reaching the top of the ridge we were treated to an amazing view of Upper Kananaskis Lake on the left and Lake Rawson on the right! 

It was an absolutely stunning view! After lunch at the ridge and some mountain-top yoga we headed back down the (VERY) slippery and steep path! The last half of the hike down was by far my favourite part of the journey. The hike down was completely secluded which allowed us to really reflect on and savour the day as we made our way back. If you live in Alberta I highly recommend this hike, and if you don't I still recommend going out and exploring your own landscape. A day spent exploring is never wasted and brings with it so many little treasures. 

I can't wait to get back on the trails next time I'm home and discover more gems in my own backyard! 


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