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Thursday, 20 July 2017

What I learned at 19

On the eve of my 20th Birthday I've taken some time to reflect on what has been one of the best and worst years of my life. 19 isn't a very monumental age. It's squished in between the adult bearing 18 and the exciting teen-less 20. 19 has no speciality, yet it was the year that was filled with the most unassuming changes. In light of all the excitement I'd like to share a few of the important things I've discovered at 19.

1. Go With the Flow: 

I spent a long time worrying that I didn't have the perfect plan. I don't have a concrete idea of what I'm doing and where I'm going, and thats OK. After all, I'm only 19. I don't need to have my life figured out as long as I keep pursing what I enjoy I just need to have faith that things will align.

2.  Trust Your Gut: 

Don't be scared to walk out of situations that make you uncomfortable. Be true to  yourself, even if it seems scary or against the grain. You will be rewarded later.

3. Be Alone: 

Spending time alone can be really scary. Especially at uni when people seem to be everywhere it can feel like your drowning in a sea of people. Take time to get used to being by yourself.

4. You're never to old to make new friends: 

You will meet some incredible people if you take the (admittedly scary) first steps by initiating conversation. I spent far to long being scared of meeting new people. But if this year has taught me anything its that everyone has something amazing to offer, you just need to connect.

5. Be Bold: 

Don't play is safe, take risks and do whatever your heart desires it'll pay off (trust me).

There's a lot I've learned this year but these were the main things that really sunk in. Reflecting on years gone by is fairly new to me, and as I get older I notice how much can change in a year. It's not always good stuff, but a lot of it is, and thats what's important to focus on. I can't wait to be 20 and see all the amazing adventures it brings!!!



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