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Monday, 27 March 2017

Marock 'N' Roll

Marock 'N' Roll
Monday, 27 March 2017
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Hello lovely friends I hope you are all doing wonderfully! I’m currently in the hippie surfer town of Taghazout (about an hour away from Agadir) and it is absolutely splendid here! I don’t think I will ever be ready to leave! It’s only been two days but I can say that I am without a doubt  head over heals for Morocco! I’ve escaped sleepy England for a week to immerse myself in a yoga and surf retreat under the North African Sun. I’ve never surfed before, and I’m generally not very good at trying new things (especially sporty things) but I’ve had so  much fun these past two days and am so glad I’m trying something new. Here are some pictures and highlights of the past two days! 

This is the lovely view from our terrace! Our home is lovely and backs on to the beach! I don't think it could get more perfect!

Our yoga class this morning was canceled as our instructor was ill and I had the opportunity to step in and teach a  yoga class on the beach which was absolutely surreal. It was incredible to start the morning off on the beach to the playlist of ocean waves crashing on beach shores! 

This is a shot from dinner last night! We had this amazing salad with tons of avocado, cucumber, sweetcorn, and loads of greens! Accompanying that was lentils made in a Tajine, some lush bread, and sweet Moroccan mint tea! I love the food here. It is so hearty, filling and healthy! The flavours are incredible and I am so excited to go to the souks!

Today was a beach day! We hung out on Crocodile beach, swam, sunbathed, and frolicked around.

The waves were incredibly picturesque. The whole scene seemed like it was fabricated! 

And the sun was blissful! I could have slept there all day long! I really don't think anything is as relaxing as a nap on the beach! 

The past two days have been magical! I can't believe how sunny and rustic our little surfer town is. Everyone here is so relaxed and lovely. I just want to run away and become a yoga teacher here and live in a little apartment backing on to the ocean! Till that happens I'll enjoy the rest of my week and hopefully update you all with pictures of the souks and some further adventures later this week! 

(Shout out to Immy and Rhiannon for some of the above pics!) 


Monday, 13 March 2017

OOTD: Shadows and Rain

OOTD: Shadows and Rain
Monday, 13 March 2017
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Hello again lovelies! I'm excited to share with you all some pictures from an attempted little blogging shoot with the lovely Angelika Blogs. What a lovely day it started off as, but due to unforeseen tragic weather the shoot was cut drastically short (after only these three photo's haha).

Despite the random hail that ensued moments after this was taken, I can say there is something simplistic and authentic about doing a blog post with a limited selection of photos. It feels more natural, less over worked, and is really a bit more candid. I normally feel like I have to take 10000 photo's to find 1 I actually enjoy or want to post. We will have to credit Angelika here for her amazing photo taking abilities, because although these aren't perfect, and given the opportunity I likely would have taken more options, she captured the outfit and my mood beautifully which really is the point of this kind of post.
Rather than being apologetic or editing out pictures like this one, which are clearly a bit more candid, unposed and slightly awkward I get to share photo's that represent me in reality. Although admittedly these pictures still don't show the true extent of how messy my life is :P. I definitely think this experience has taught me to value even the slightly imperfect and candid moments of life and not to shy away from sharing them.

Because the truth is I was really feeling my outfit on this day. I felt great and that shouldn't be diminished because I don't have the "perfect" content to reflect that. It's great advice for anything you want to do, don't hold back or wait for the perfect moment or perfect photo's because it doesn't exist and there is something powerful and raw in imperfection. It's ok to own that! I held off for a long time on creating a blog because I don't own a nice camera, and don't have tons of time as a student, and many other seemingly silly reasons. I'm so happy I finally did it because non of those excuses have disappeared I just chose to work around them! Also, I am sporting a grey turtle neck from Saks 5th Ave here (these turtlenecks are amazing I own them in a few colours and they are very soft and last forever) and layered on top is a culotte jumpsuit from Topshop.

Big thank you to Angelika for the lovely pics and the even better company! She is lovely and if you aren't already reading her content check it out!


Wednesday, 8 March 2017

International Women's Day

International Women's Day
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
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I am a feminist. I am a feminist 365 days of the year, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.

That being said though, there are certain times when I become more vocal about my feminism, and today (International Women’s Day) is one of those times. Today marks a day when woman around the world come together to express our strength, diversity, and our continuing fight for equality. As I scrolled through my social media today, I was inspired and awed by the volume of posts that contained messages of support for this day. These posts celebrated strong women, they highlighted where progress is still needed, but most importantly, they united us under the banner of feminism. Many posts, including my own, come from a state of radio silence on this issue. I, and many others I know, do not often vocalize our feelings towards feminism on social media. This year I have challenged myself to not only acknowledge International Women’s Day, but to commemorate it by setting a series of intentions and goals for the upcoming year, which will centre around promoting equality, honouring feminist progress, and challenging the status quo and oppressive structures. I would like to extend this challenge to you all, so that we can make a tangible impact on the ongoing fight for equality. 

My first goal: simply to do more reading. Feminism is a diverse and rich discipline and I am certainly not an expert. I want to read a variety of material to learn about the way in which health care provisions influence gender inequality, or to learn more about how international security is gendered. There are countless sources that trace the gendered nature of certain professions (i.e. nursing and child care), and books that cover feminism in every discipline. Just reading alone can open up so many doors and inspire me to find and focus on an area of feminism that really resonates with me. I believe we can all find an aspect of feminism to which we can apply our expertise and passion to create a difference, if we truly understand all the nuances and complexities of the issue. 

Second: I want to have an impact in my local community. There are countless organizations in every city, which work to improve gender inequality and to promote feminism. More specifically however, I would like to use my passion for yoga to empower young girls to be more body confident, healthy, and mindful. Through research and engagement with local youths I discovered that many teen girls (14-17) become disenfranchised from all sports for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include being self-conscious about their bodies, finding that sport is often gendered in masculine terms, or simply feeling like they do not retain control over their own bodies (specifically during puberty). Physical activity and sport can do a lot to improve a girl’s confidence. Yoga, in particular, allows girls to take control of their body (for example it has also been used with great success to help sexual abuse survivors to reclaim their bodies) and promotes self-love and a healthy body image. By teaching yoga workshops in schools around Birmingham I believe I can make a real impact on the way in which girls view body image and self-confidence, while also providing teens with a healthy way to cope with stress. I also hope that as a teacher I can present myself as an approachable mentor to students. As a university student with professional career goals, I believe it is essential for young women like me to encourage teens to pursue their own goals. 

Third: I want to use my voice and the platforms available to me (Facebook, Instagram, this blog, and my REAL voice) to continue to promote equality for all. When I reflect on how often I vocalize my feminism, I have noticed that I am most vocal when I am outraged. I rarely celebrate the strides that woman around the world continuously make in all sectors. This is not because progress isn't being made, but rather because it is often not reported on, or I am simply unaware and not looking for it. But the truth is, good news is inspiring. Hearing about and sharing positive stories of feminism can inspire and influence people to continue their own journeys and is therefore vital for future equality. This isn't to say that I will not, nor anyone should not, be active in vocalizing concerns against oppression or highlighting instances of injustice. This is equally as important. We must continue to talk about, discuss and openly try to address many of the issues woman around the world face. If we don't talk about it, nothing will ever change. So I hope to not just ignore the issues I am not well versed in, but to learn more about them by having open and honest discussions. 

I hope that some of these desires and goals have inspired you to create your own goals for International Women’s Day. I truly believe that these intentions are a way to celebrate feminism while also outlining the way in which each and everyone one of us can be active in making a change. Feminism cannot be a thing of convenience, we must all commit to change in order to see it.

[This post is dedicated to all the women who constantly inspire and motivate me. Thank You J, P, V, K, A, mum, and many more for everything you all do. From helping me edit this blogpost to always pushing me to be outspoken, fierce, brave, and for always believing in me.]

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

March-ing- into Spring!

March-ing- into Spring!
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
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Hello lovelies and welcome to the first blog post of March!

 I'm so happy that the suns shinning and the daffodils on campus are peaking out because spring is right around the corner. I love spring and the scent right after it rains, all the lush greenery, fresh fruits, bright colours, and just general liveliness that often goes to rest during the colder months. So to really get myself geared up and ready to enjoy this season and everything it has to offer I've made a little guide to use throughout the month of March to get into the Spring vibe! 


 Start every morning with a big glass of water! This really isn't anything new, and you should be doing it all year round. But if you're anything like me it can be very easy to fall off the hydration train  and there really is no better time than now to get back on it! The benefits of water, especially first thing when you wake up, are immense. Water helps with everything from skin care to digestion and there are many resources available that discuss its benefits. This tip is also great because it instills routine. Starting every morning off the same way really helps settle any anxiety about the day, adds some discipline, and can be an activity to look forward to first thing in the morning. If you find water a bit boring try to infuse it with fresh fruits (strawberries, cucumbers, lemons, etc.) to add a slight natural flavour. I drink my water with a few slices of lemon because the lemons provide amazing benefits. Lemon's are anti-inflammatory and help with acne and dull skin, they are great for digestion, helps reduce excess weight, and I just like the taste! 


Find yourself a great spring read! I am currently reading The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking. It's a wonderful little encyclopaedia into the Danish way of living well. Although this book is quite autumnal and wintery in nature (it focuses a lot on coziness, fires, warmth, etc.) it has a lovely tone and really is about finding happiness and creating a slice of comfort in any atmosphere. I really enjoy beautiful illustrations and photography, both of which this book has! On my booklist I have The Princess Saves Herself In This One a poetry collection by Amanda Lovelace. I can't wait to get my hands on this book, I have heard some amazing things about it and it will definitely be my next read!


Listening to music on my way to campus really puts a spring in my step! It gets me excited about my day, happy, and overall cheerful. Music has such an influence on emotions and connection to our memories. I suggest finding a song or even making a playlist for the month that will instantly bring you back to your happy flower filled spring moment. My song of choice for this spring is Pocketful of Poetry By Mindy Gledhill. Something about this song just screams "happy spring vibes" to me! It's cheerful, light, and definitely defines me very well! 

Colourful Food:

Try out a colourful recipe! Something bursting with bright fruits and veggies and maybe not as filling and warming as your favourite winter dish, rather something fresh and crisp! There are tons of recipes on Pinterest and all over the web! My absolute favourite spring salad (that's also very easy to make) is a Balsamic Strawberry salad! All you need is some fresh green spinach, cut strawberries, feta cheese, Balsamic vinegar, and some pumpkin seeds! Throw it all together and you've got yourself a sweet, tangy, and crispy salad! 


I could write an entire post on mindfulness alone, so I'll keep this pretty short. Try to find some time to disconnect, wind down, and tap into yourself. Take a moment to really feel, see, and hear the things happening in your life without commenting of judging them. Just be present in a moment. Acknowledge your emotions but don't let them rule your life. I find I can often get into states of stagnation. Everyday feels dull and dreary and I can't seem to get out of this cloudy mood. I realized I often don't step back from these moments and ask myself "what would make me a bit happier" or "what is making me sad" by really targeting whats going on you can be mindful in the choices you make and improve how you feel. 

I hope you all have a wonderful and bright March! I'm so excited for all the new things spring will bring! Till next time lovelies! 

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